Saturday, September 22, 2007

Anti Aging

Today is my birthday. I feel so contented and happy spending my birthday with all wonderful people in my life. During our lunch, me and my friends discuss about how aging will affect our life. our ability to have children, etc..And I start to think what is aging actually really means?

Aging. What is it about this word, or rather the process it implies, that causes many of us woman to endlessly seek the fountain of youth? Perhaps the ideals of our youth-oriented society have pushed the desire to stay young too far, or perhaps as society has developed it is only natural for us to strive to live longer, healthier lives.
Whatever the reason--and most likely the reasons are personal with each of us--it is clear that most women have an intense desire to stay young.

There is no way to avoid aging--it's a natural part of life--but there are many things we can do to keep your skin and body looking and feeling young and healthy. It's not a quick fix and there is some effort involved, but the rewards are well worth the effort.
Perhaps above all else, the real "fountain of youth" is a healthy diet. Insulin is the major accelerant of aging, and we can keep your insulin levels down by reducing or eliminating grains and sugar in our diet. Vegetables are also extremely important. Perhaps the easier way is to start taking vegetable juice like carrot, celery juice.
I think another key anti aging technique that i hardly apply is exercise, though exessive exercise can also cause wrinkles. So I will try to walk as much as I could, taking staircase instead of lift. Walk from MRT station to my home.
A good night sleep and properly addressing emotional stresses are additional keys to regaining your optimum physical appearance. I think i can see it so clearly from one of my lunch friend Lucy today..she looks so radiant now..and she told me she has been trying to discipline herself to sleep early recently and avoid stress.
My other anti aging Lifestyle are:
1. Avoid exposure to cigarette smoke. Cigarette smoke exposes you to free radicals that will accelerate the aging process by damaging the microcapillaries in your skin. This limits your skin’s ability to absorb nutrients, which accelerates wrinkling and aging.
2. Get omega-3s by taking a high-quality krill oil daily. maybe you can get it with flaxseed, olive oil, salmon, tuna, avocado, etc. Omega-3 fats help to normalize skin lipids and prevent dehydration in your cells. This keeps skin cells strong and full of moisture, which can help to decrease the appearance of fine lines.
3. Limit your exposure to the sun during the hottest times of the day. This is when you’re most likely to get sunburned, and sunburned skin is more susceptible to damage and may age more quickly.
4. Adopt healthier eating habits, based on your body's unique nutritional type. Giving your body the nutrients it needs is the best way to keep your skin firm and smooth. Yo-yo dieting, a recurrent cycle of gaining and losing weight, is especially problematic as it will cause your skin to stretch and become less elastic. As you age, this loose skin will be more prone to sagging and wrinkles simply by the force of gravity.
5. Keep your facial muscles relaxed. If you frown (or smile broadly) often, over time lines will form where the muscles tend to contract.
6. Consider taking food (fruits and vegetables) and supplement with active antioxidant on it.

So as you can see it there is not one thing to do to feel and look our best as we age. Rather, it is a combination of things that, when adhered to as a lifestyle choice, will ensure that our body shows what has been going into it for all those years. And if we've been treating our body with care and respect, it will be reflected in our healthy skin, bright smile and strong energy. After all, it's only natural :-)


aunty grace said...

yo na, do you have any tips on how to fight constipation? hehe...

Linda said...

Experts say that waiting for aging to settle in before do everything that is suicidal for skin...

Stop Aging